Micro-cannula dermal filler for Tear Trough

Dermal fillers with the use of micro-cannula has increased the comfort and safety of the products injected to improve facial features.   Priority is the safety and comfort of clients when choosing to use a dermal filler.   Most clients want to improve their look and minimal risk. When it comes to injecting fillers, the process is generally not painful, but there can be swelling, bruising or intra-vascular injuries afterwards. To remedy this, blunt tip micro-cannula needle instead of a sharp needle in specific areas of the face, especially when injecting hyaluronic acid-based fillers are being used.

What is a cannula needle?
A small blunt tip cannula is a thin, flexible tube with a small opening side pore at the distal portion of the cannula where the filler is deposited from.   The advantage, however, is that the use of a cannula has shown to cause less potential  complications and damage to blood vessels. Bruising, swelling or pain is significantly reduced and risk of skin necrosis or injection of dermal filler into your vein or artery is reduced.   Just the fact that the risk of vein or artery injury is decreased, it makes the use of cannula a priceless tool for your aesthetic filler injections.  

When do we use cannula needles?
Many aesthetic professionals use a cannula for certain areas of the face.   Some risky areas mostly used would be the midface, lips, glabellar lines, temporal and nose injections.   

What do I inject with a cannula?
Galderma, parent company of Restylane family, has obtained approval from the FDA to use cannulas for the facial injections.   Restylane Lyft is a hyaluronic acid-based filler had obtained a FDA-approved for the cheek and midface with the use of a cannula. (It’s also FDA-approved for nasolabial folds and back of the hands, and Restylane Silk is approved for the lips via a cannula.)